Sunrise to

brighten Your life

Renewable Energy

Solar power relies on the sun, which is an abundant and renewable source of energy. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, solar power plants produce clean and sustainable energy. By harnessing the power of the sun, we can reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy sources and combat climate change.

Environmental Benefits

Solar power plants have a minimal impact on the environment compared to traditional power plants. Solar energy production does not emit greenhouse gases, reducing air pollution and mitigating climate change. Solar power also conserves water resources, as it does not require large amounts of water for cooling, unlike conventional power plants. By adopting solar energy, we can reduce our carbon footprint and preserve the planet for future generations.

Cost Effective

While the initial investment in solar power infrastructure may be higher, solar energy offers long-term cost savings. Once installed, solar panels require minimal maintenance and have a lifespan of 25-30 years. Solar power can significantly reduce or eliminate electricity bills, making it a financially viable solution in the long run. Additionally, government incentives and tax credits further contribute to the cost-effectiveness of solar power.

Environment friendly

Renewable Energy

Incorporated in the year 2020, We focused our strength on operations and the maintenance  of the Solar Power Plants. Soon we started handling mutilple projects of diffrent size and Eventually, engaging in interesting projects for Installation and Commissioning as well. Since then we have come a long way and contributing from installation, commissioning to maintenace of all kinds of solar power plants.


“Not only as a Sustainable solution, but also as a path towards reducing the carbon footprint of the planet, an innovative legacy to build a brighter future using the Bright rays of sun. Together, let us embrace the sun’s rays and illuminate the path to a cleaner, greener world.” 

Sunil Manchanda, Founder

What We Offer

We offer a wide range of services helping our clients by providing them the following services helping them in the smooth operation, development and optimization of critical assets and processes through…

Operations and Management(O&M)

Operations and management of solar power plants involve the ongoing supervision, maintenance, and performance optimization of solar energy systems to ensure consistent energy generation, maximize efficiency, and extend the operational life of the plant.

Engineering, Procurement and Construction(EPC)

Engineering, Procurement, and Construction services for solar power plants encompass the comprehensive design, seamless material acquisition, and efficient construction management necessary to bring sustainable and reliable solar energy projects to fruition.

Installation and Commissioning(I&C)

Installation and commissioning services for solar power plants encompass the expert deployment of solar panels, electrical components, and systems, followed by thorough testing and activation to ensure seamless energy production and grid integration.

Years of Experience
MW of Solar Power Managed


Our Expertise

3+ Years of Experience in Operating and Installing solar powerplants

In the Services offered, in the O&M, EPC and I&C we have offered these services to our clients in our entire existence, paving a path towards a Greener and and Sustainable environment.

Operations and Management
Installation and Commission

Ready To Start New Project With Us

To get the support and assistance towards, EPC, operation and maintenance of Solar power plants, please do contact us. This initiative from your end can help our planet, your vision and our mission.